Friday, December 2, 2011



If you have recently followed my status updates on Facebook, you've heard this from me - I am forever amazed at how ignorant and judgmental people are!!! I have 4 kids yes. They are all mine and I am NOT crazy for having 4 kids. I love EVERY one of them and although life might get kind of crazy around here and I am often found pulling my hair out and melting into a puddle of frustration, I love that we have 4 kids and that our family is as big as it is!
Do I ask the parent of an only child or two for that matter whether you are going to have any more? Do I ask you if you know how babies are made? Do I ask you if are crazy for only having one? Do I stand in a store and silently judge you with my facial expressions? Do I tell you how to discipline your children? Do I assume that because it worked for my children it MUST work for your child(ren)? Do I question your age or your marital status? Do I outwardly call you insane, crazy, or a lunatic as if this couldn't possibly be how you chose to live your life? NOOOOO I do not!! Its none of my business and neither is me having 4!!! SO BUTT OUT!!!!!!!!!!

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