Monday, October 19, 2009

Not Me Monday!

Welcome to Not Me! Monday! This blog carnival was created by MckMama. Visit her blog to read what she and everyone else have not been doing this week.

Not Me Monday... The Weekend Version.

I most definitely did not take my 2 babies to the grocery store on a Friday night one hour before bedtime and expect them to go along with the flow. I did not spend the entire time carrying one baby and trying to console another one with food. When it was time to put the food on the conveyor belt, I did not put the 4 month old back in her seat to scream while I threw the food at the cashier in an effort to hurry things along. I did not find out that my toddler had put his finger through the plastic on the RAW hamburger meat and then in my attempts to keep him quiet ate a cookie. I did not then just politely smile at everyone who was now staring at me as I have 2 screaming children, a grocery cart full of food, and a diaper bag that did not fall upside down onto the floor and have everything spill out.

I did not go back to sleep when my husband came down to hang out with our sick baby girl on Saturday and get up with less than an hour to get all 5 of us showered and out of the house for a family photo. Nope, not me! We did not show up late to a family photo that was outside in the rain and 40 degree weather. I did not then go on to rush home and wrap my nephews birthday gift 5 minutes before we walked out of the house for his party. I did not take my baby who wasn't feeling well to the party, go to Ikea, and get back to find out that she had a fever.

I did not spend the majority of the night awake with a sick baby and then call the pediatrician on a Sunday morning to get an appointment that was in 30 min but still had a 45 min drive ahead of me. I did not then take 10 more minutes to get all 3 kids in the car. I did not race around the house to find my toddler's ONLY pair of shoes, to then find out that we did not leave it at Ikea the night before. I did not say "Oh well" and take him to the doctors office in his socks. I did not let him play in the sick child waiting room in just his socks. Not me! I did not then go to Target to fill a perscription for a baby who had an ear infection and a fever with 3 kids (one of which who was in his socks). I did not buy a bag of goldfish for the kids to snack on for my 5 year old to drop them all over the floor of the van. I did not leave Target with a bag of goldfish, two Icees, a pack of Swedish fish, Amoxicillin, and NO shoes for my toddler. I did not go home and give my baby her meds to then be thrown up on (twice!) I did not then enjoy a 2 hour nap with all 3 kids!

I did not then wake up on Monday morning and take the kids to Walmart (with no shoes on my toddler) to pick up some of the items I forgot to get on my trip to the grocery store on Friday night. Not me!

Monday, October 12, 2009

The Little Man

Peyton's 1st day of soccer

He scored the only goal!!

All dressed up and nowhere to go

I can't get enough of putting her in dresses and tights!