Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Eliot video from Oprah & Youtube

If you have not seen Oprah today, you will want to see this video. As a miscarriage survivor and always wondering what that child would have brought to our lives and what they would have looked like, this video hit me hard. It was a reminder to enjoy every moment we have with our children...

Monday, October 20, 2008

Braycee's Halloween Party

Here's a sneak peek at Halloween.... My niece Braycee had a Halloween Party on Sat and the boys wore their costumes. These aren't the best pictures, but you get the idea.

Braycee, Tilman, Peyton, & Parker

Pin the nose on the pumpkin.

Bobbing for apples.

All the kids outside after they bobbed for apples. Tilman decided to climb in the bucket of water while we were taking pictures. :)

Group shot.... Even Aunt Emmy and Uncle Jason (who's not in the picture) dressed up.

Parker and Tilman with their Halloween binkies from their "goody bags". Was in a hurry to get the picture before Tilman spit his out that I cut off his head. :)

Later that night we all went to the Boyertown parade. It was very cold out!!

Braycee and Peyton came home with SOOOO much candy! Peyton has been to 2 Halloween parades and already has 2 buckets full of candy and hasn't even been trick or treating yet!!


Because I think he's cute I decided to take pictures and post... :) He loves being a big boy now with his tray on his highchair. We just put it on and he loves to play and occasionally eat (when I can actually get him to eat that is - he's on strike from babyfood, but doesn't like chunks of food either). He is now 7 months old and trying to do more and more things everyday!!

This is his first taste of Mashed potatoes. He seems to like them.
This picture was cuter before I took it, he had his arms resting on the arm rests, allowing the bottle to rest in his bib.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Baby #3.....

So as you probably figured out by the title, we are expecting another baby. Yes it was completely unexpected and not planned. Obviously God had other plans in mind!! But, the baby should be here sometime in June, making the baby and Parker only 15 months apart. Just a tad CRAZY!! We'll manage though. We're still processing it all and figuring out how we feel. It's hard to get over the initial shock of something that you weren't counting on for a while. I will keep you updated on how things are coming along.

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Aquarium & Franklin Institute

Last Tuesday Jeff and I decided to take the kids to the Camden Aquarium and the Franklin Institute. What a fun day, but also what a long day!!

Peyton loved seeing all the "Nemo" fish.

We quick grabbed a picture of the boys before Peyton dropped Parker. :)

This is Peyton touching the starfish. He wasn't too thrilled about touching the sharks or stingrays.

Here's a great view of the city from right outside the Aquarium.

Some fun frogs... Peyton loved pushing the buttons to hear what noises they all make.

A mommy and boys shot before we left.

Parker taking a ride in the stroller.

Peyton standing in front of one of the tanks of fish.

Peyton and mommy at lunch.

Peyton and Mommy as fish. I didn't really take too many at the museum because Jeff was busy helping Peyton play with all the stuff and Parker had had enough of the stroller, so juggling 20 pounds and a camera wasn't happening.

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Dressed alike

I always love to dress the boys alike. I know, I'm a dork, but I have fun doing it. My mom jokes that I should have had twins with how much I dress them in the same outfit. But, I think it's fun and I probably won't get to do it for much longer.