Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Tis the Season

And so it begins! I am now back to living at the pediatrician's office. Piper has an ear infection and Paxton is having reflux issues again.
I guess with four kids I'm bound to be there more than most, but even when I only had three I felt like I lived there over the fall and winter season.
In my many trips recently I have noticed things that I have never had time to see before (the Grandma's were watching the other kids allowing me to take just those that had an appt). As I'm sitting and chatting with whomever I happen to have with me, I've noticed parenting/pregnancy magazines sitting on the shelves in the room. Now I would like to know who has time to be reading these magazines other than people they don't pertain to? These magazines target audiences with younger children (often birth through preschool), not school age children or teens. I know that I do not have time to read these mags, because I'm usually catching juice cups before they hit the floor or find their way to the trash can, picking up books and puzzles up off the floor, keeping little hands out of all the unlocked drawers filled with medical supplies, chasing kids off the big scale that beeps every time they weigh themselves, keeping the boys from fighting over who will sit in the one and only chair in the room, keeping curious toddlers from unrolling the huge roll of paper, ripping pieces off and throwing them around the room, and keeping them from dragging their hands across the germ infested room and then conveniently making it to their mouths. As I was saying... who has time to read these?

I must give a little thanks to both Grandmas for watching the other kids for me because its been rather relaxing to take just one out with me.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

This is so true Tanya! Very unique and funny..thanks for sharing!