Wednesday, September 15, 2010

My week has just been one of those weeks and its only Wednesday!

As a mother of 2 toddlers, life is a constant whirlwind of testing the limits. Now that Jeff is back to work after a week off with us, the kids have decided its a free for all and they are going to see how far they can push mommy before she blows.

Piper has mastered a few new tricks this week like climbing up on the couch, stopping the baby's swing right after I get him to calm down, and standing on the endtable between the couches, all leaving me pulling my hair out. As I sit helplessly feeding a baby with bad reflux who really could benefit from a few straight minutes of feeding rather than me constantly stopping him to put an end to the toddler antics, I wonder when it ever got to the point where just getting her to sit down on the table (rather than get down) became satisfactory. Or when she falls off, I don't gasp and rush to pick her up, but rather ask her if she's ok and think to myself "Well maybe she'll learn to not jump around on the couch!"

Oh how things change from the first child to the third. Sorry Pax, but you just might be fending for yourself soon. :) To think that I still have one more to put through this toddler stage....


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