Friday, September 28, 2012


Thank goodness it is finally Friday! Its just been one of those weeks with countless hours by myself with the kids and their antics!
I have been late 3 of 5 pickups from preschool (and the other 2 days it wasn't me who was picking up, so I was 3 for 3!!), I was late getting Piper to preschool one day, I got Peyton to school on time by the skin of my teeth - 8:34 we were pulling in the parking lot, he has till 8:35 to get there! And today I was determined to get where I needed to be on time - I set my alarm for earlier! A lot of good that did, I accidently turned it off and slept till 7:59 (which NEVER happens bc the kids never sleep that long), and I had to dress and feed them all,  and get out the door by 8:23!! Did it, but nothing like starting off a day like that!
This is what it has come to....double gates because I can't keep Pax in the living room long enough to go the bathroom. Why not let him out? Well because faster than I can turn my back, he is climbing on the dining room table, climbing the stairs, throwing my decor around the room....
Our jailbirds... :)
Two of my troublemakers!


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