Ok, so I'm a HUGE freak about germs... things just creep me out that often don't even cross other people's minds. For instance, we don't wear shoes in the house because of all the nasty places our shoes touch (public bathroom floors) and then we bring those home and would essentially track that through the house. With a baby on the floor and eating everything in sight, I freak at the thought of it. :)
Why is this important to say, you ask? No real reason other than I wanted to get something off my chest... So the pediatrician's office is one of those places that is just full of nasty germs from snot nosed kids (mine can often be lumped into this category as well) and all the different lifestyles these kids come from. We had to go there today for Parker to get a blood blister thing popped that is on his gums in front of a tooth trying to pop through - queasy yet? :) Well at our peds office there is no sick vs well side so this always makes me scared that my kids are going to get sick on a well visit , esp as there's a girl with bronchitis walking by coughing on every kid in her path. Now, most likely as the girl and her sister were waiting for the dr. they were probably playing with all the toys that my kids were currently playing with...AHHH!!! So as I'm praying that my kids stay healthy and avoid all germs possible till we get out of there, in walks a young mother with two kids who have not taken a bath in quite some time. I don't want to sound ridiculous in my statement, but it was to the point where my 4 yr old asked "Mommy, why did that boy have black stuff on his face and hands?" It was so sad.... the boy was standing about 3 feet from me and I could tell that he smelled from not taking a bath, his diaper was sagging down to his calves, and his clothes were a mess. The baby who was younger than Parker had no coat or socks and was just lightly covered with a blanket - keep in mind that its 18 degrees outside today. I wanted so badly to help this mom, but I didn't know what to do. I mean what do you say?? I saw the dr. looking them over for a while, when we were all in the waiting room, so hopefully he was able to provide her with some resources.
But anyway, to a germaphobe I was FREAKING out watching Peyton play with these sick infested toys and driving cars around on the floor. I scrubbed their hands with hand sanitizer in the van and then washed them when we got home. I felt like there was "sick" all over everyone, so badly so that I made everyone change when we got home!! :) I was very tempted to give them a bath too.
I know many of you are laughing at me, but I just can't do it. It bugs the crap out of me that the pediatrician of all people doesn't have separated waiting room space as well as separate exam rooms, knowing full well that he sees people who have all kinds of contagious sicknesses and germs that the well kids are being exposed to. I know that exposure to different things strengthens their immune system, but who really wants their kids to get sick?!?!
Ok, enough of my soapbox...