Tuesday, June 21, 2011

It can't possibly be!

If you follow me on facebook you will have seen these recent posts where you will get to see how fantastic my week  has been!!

~Great wknd-Peyton ends up with strep n mono, Pax wakes up on the AM of Piper's bday party with croup and ends up at Urgent Care with a neb trtmnt and steriods, throws up on me 3 x's in CVS while waiting for his Rx, get home to a 2 n 3 yr old with fevers, spend the night going from kid to kid, to end it with Pax's ENT appt where we r reminded that his "minor" surgery involves sedation, breathing tube, n heart monitor!

~I have cleaned up and worn more throw up (with 3 kids with bad acid reflux - that worsens with sicknesses) in the last 3 years than most people do in a lifetime!!!

~As if cleaning up massive amounts of throw up from a 10 month old and taking care of 4 sicks kids who won't sleep wasn't enough - Piper decided to stick her hands in her poopy diaper and paint herself and her crib with it! AWESOME!

~Dropped Peyton off to his last day of Kindergarten and I cried. Time goes by too quickly! :(


Side note- Parker started out with a fever on Sunday and is still fighting it and now Jeff is in Boston for 3 days - 4 till he is home with us again! AHHHHHH!!!!!!! And I am refusing to accept that my throat and glands really hurt!!  - trying to will the sickness away. :) Will let you know how that one goes.

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