Friday, March 18, 2011

What's new?

What's new here at the Borchelt household? Well I'll tell you...

I'm training to run in the 10 mile Broad Street Run in Philadelphia on Sunday May 1st! I'm nervous beyond belief, but its something that I have been thinking of doing for quite some time now. The only goal I have set right now is to cross the finish line (and not in last place!) There's not a whole lot of training time outside except on the weekends, but I have been getting in some intense workouts on the treadmill too!

Parker is potty trained!!!! For about a month now he has been potty trained and is doing great! I tried to train him a few months ago with no luck, but just recently I got annoyed with 3 in diapers enough to just try again. It only took about a week or two until he was telling us all by himself and we RARELY have an accident. Now its only two in diapers!!! YAY!

 Parker and Peyton now share a room. It hasn't been going as well as I would like, but hopefully we will get there soon. Parker has a hard time falling asleep and is usually still talking at 10:30 and is up really early (for him anyway). Unfortunately he's waking up a lot in the middle of the night too. Its exhausting to say the least. It makes for a long night of not much sleep for me or him and a long day with a grouchy kid!

Paxton moved over to Parker's old room and Jeff and I got our room back, well sort of; there's now a treadmill in our room instead of a crib!

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