Friday, May 31, 2013

Random sentences

Parker and Piper just finished their last days of preschool and we are in full swing of figuring out what the heck we are going to do for the summer! Peyton will be done school June 14th and then they are all home with me for the summer! We just registered at a local community pool and couldn't be happier to share this with the kids. We are so excited that my new "job" is allowing us to do some of the things that weren't possible before!

Jeff and I are going to Robert Redford's Sundance Resort in Utah from June 10th-12th. I earned this all expense paid trip through the bonus program with my new "job"! I hit a new rank in my new "job" this month as well and am super excited for where this is taking me in my career and us as a family!

Jeff has kept off his 65 lbs now for the last 4.5 months and couldn't be happier! We are creeping up on a year on the products! Its amazing how far we have come in just a year! Never knew we would be a happier, healthier family or that we would receive the financial blessings we have!

We are going to the beach at the end of August with our friends and their kids! Anxious for it to be here, but not because that means its the end of summer!

Piper will be turning 4 this month! She is into dresses and all things girly! Paxton is still getting into trouble as usual! He is a handful and clearly the baby of the family! :) Peyton was asked to play on the All Star baseball team so we are very excited for that! Parker is being Parker! He is sweet and fun but stubborn all at the same time! He is excited to go to Kindergarten in the Fall. That may change when the time actually comes, but for now its fun anticipating it! Mommy will cry like a baby as soon as he has to step onto that bus. I get teary eyed just thinking about it!!

Well I'm off to bed. Have a great weekend!!

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