Wednesday, July 25, 2012

All in the day of

Today's email to Jeff...with added things to give someone who doesn't live this life a better idea.

Today has just been one of those days!!!! Parker has whined about EVERYTHING!!! He started off the day by peeing in his pants!!!!! He’s upset that he has to put his shoes on, then he doesn’t want to walk to the car, then he doesn’t want to go into the store, then he can’t walk at the store, he’s mad that he was busy with his sticker and didn’t get to carry his library book to the car.... and it just goes on and on! (insert a tantrum, arm crossing, crying, feet stomping, flipping out after EACH whine session)
Piper decided to squirt an entire 3 oz bottle of hand sanitizer into the cup holder in the van! (how the heck am I supposed to clean up 2.5 inches of hand sanitizer??) Then she decides to touch the container of hand sanitizer wipes and puts them at the edge of the front car door so that when I close the door it squishes it and then when I reopen the door (after our trip into Target) the lid bursts off and sprays all over my legs!
We go to the library and Pax is just all over the place. At one point the younger 3 are pounding away at the computer keyboard and I can’t get a single one of them to stop touching it. I have a screaming and squirming 23 month old in my arms in a LIBRARY, 2 toddlers and a 7 yr old who I ask to stand with the stroller while I put Pax in the stroller and get our stuff together. Next thing I know Piper is playing puppets and the boys are fighting over the lollipop bag! AHHHHH!!!!!! (all while other people are watching the charades and I am clearly giving them reason to judge me for having 4 kids so close in age because I look completely out of control!)
I knew it was going to bad even before I left this morning, when I’m trying to leave and Piper and Pax are running around the dining room, grabbing my keys and pressing the panic button (thankfully the battery is dying and they weren’t able to set off the alarm), Parker’s throwing a tantrum over having to put shoes on and go to the bathroom, Piper's then deciding to refuse to go to the bathroom, once again Pax has the keys, Peyton is absorbed into his DS and not listening to me ask him to grab the keys while I am yelling at a 3 yr old to JUST GO TO THE BATHROOM ALREADY, Parker is still crying because he doesn't want to put his shoes on, now he's mad because I put his Leapster in my bag (to protect it from the grabbing Pax) instead of leaving it on the table...... And around and around we go!!
All in a day of the life here at the Borchelt household!!

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