Tuesday, February 28, 2012

A very LONG winter

It has been a very long winter of sickness in our house!! I think the warm weather is just not allowing things to be killed off! Poor Paxton  has had more illnesses than I can count. Most recently has been fighting a double ear infection since the end of Jan and was just hospitalized for a few days for a virus that caused severe wheezing and the need for oxygen.

We went to the pediatrician on Saturday morning and then were sent over to the Phoenixville ER (next to the drs office). After a few hours there we were transferred by ambulance to GrandView Pediatric unit - Phoenixville doesn't have a pediatric unit. He was admitted Saturday afternoon and we didn't leave until Monday afternoon. His oxygen levels kept dropping throughout the night on Saturday and he needed to have oxygen. Needless to say he WAS NOT happy about tubes being shoved in his nose! During the day he was on blow by oxygen which was MUCH easier on both of us!
 He spent quite a few hours awake that night. Finally by 4:30 we were both able to go to sleep for 2 hrs! He received breathing treatments every 2 hrs for 24 hrs and then was taken to every 3 hrs and then finally before we left on Monday we were to every 4 hrs. Thankfully my parent's and Jeff's mom were able to watch the other kids for us until bedtime and then Jeff went home to be with them.
We were both VERY grateful to be home on Monday afternoon. Bedtime couldn't come soon enough- I was running on about 10 hrs of sleep over 3 nights/4 days.
Unfortunately on Saturday night he got another fever!!! I was ready to scream! Back to the doctors on Monday we went! He still has an ear infection (the same one from back in Jan). So right now we are trying another antibiotic and hopefully avoiding the next step - an ENT doctor. He is still on one breathing treatment a day - mostly preventative to help build strength up in his lungs while he battles this ear infection.
Needless to say I am ready for this winter to be over!!!!!

These photos were taken with a cell phone so with his movement they are rather blurry. By the end of our stay he was a little maniac running the halls of the pediatric unit!

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