Thursday, July 29, 2010

The only one

If it wasn't for these faces....

days like today would do me in. Today was a definite "Not Me Monday" kind of day. I feel like these days only happen to me.... I'm the only one sweating it out (literally) as I'm chasing my kids around the store and trying to get something accomplished at the same time. The only one with holy terrors racing around the shopping cart and screaming. The only one who is 39.5wks pregnant, carrying a 35 lb toddler, another toddler trying to climb out of the cart, with one foot in the women's bathroom door to still be able to keep an "ear" on my oldest. The only one with a toddler and an almost 6 yr old (who should know better!!!!!) running over to the eggs, opening the carton to have my 2 yr old pick one up and squeeze it. The only one wearing raw egg all over my dress as I finish up my grocery shopping, because I didn't get this far to quit now! The only one with a one yr old who is taking a bite out of everything she can get her hands on in the cart, including the bread and hamburger rolls. The only one with the toddler pulling all the crap they have in checkout aisles off the shelf and into the cart with her and onto the floor. The only one with diced peaches leaking all over the whole cart to just put them back on the shelf because I just might start to cry if I have to admit to one more person that my life is out of control. The only one who's 6 yr old is twirling his hat around and catches the edge of my dress, lifts up, and ever so kindly gives everyone in the aisles behind me a show. The only one who has the bagger who only puts 2 items in each bag, making things take 4 times as long and all the people around me telling me I have my hands full, to which I want to say "Thank you for stating the obvious and unless you feel like helping me out, SHUT UP!!!!"
BUT, look at those smiling faces and how cute they all look and how could I possibly do anything but laugh off these days!?!?!? :) (just need to keep telling myself that)

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