Monday, February 1, 2010

Always on my toes

Welcome to Not Me Monday where I can list all my mishaps as a Mama and give you all a good laugh in the meantime.

So as many of you know, Parker is more than a handful. His crazy toddler antics keep me on my toes and constantly wondering what crazy thing he will be into next. I'm always following his trail like a Hoover just doing what I can to keep Piper from getting every little toy or snack he leaves behind. This time did not end up with Piper having her very first taste of a chocolate chip cookie! She did not have the whole thing all mushy with baby drool and cookie crumbs stuck to her cheeks and I most definitely did not bust out laughing and take a picture. Sometimes laughter is all that gets me through the day!

"Mama, what's so funny?"

As a mom of 3, almost 4, young kids I definitely wear my share of poop, pee, throw up/spit up, partially chewed up food, blood, dirt, and snot. Some days I wonder how Jeff can even muster up the courage to come close enough to give me a kiss when he gets home because I most definitely do not look like I'm the one with uncontrollable acid reflux or decided to start eating something and part way through end up spitting it out in my lap or stop a bloody nose or cut with my shirt. No not me! Although these things happen on a daily basis ( I mean do not :) ), I did not experience a "mommy first" for me today. I did not lean over to kiss my beautiful little girl to get a really stinky formula burp and a mouthful of spit up!
And, speaking of bodily fluids... on Friday I watch a friend's baby and with 3 in diapers, I definitely change my share of poopy diapers. After being up to my elbows in one poopy diaper after another, I realized the smell was still lingering. As I'm checking each kid and noticing they all smell like a fresh diaper, I'm still trying to figure out where the smell could be coming from. After a couple of hours I do not realize that its got to be the couch! I insist no one sits there the rest of the day (which goes so well with a toddler who does not continually jump from one couch to the other all day). With a hyper-sensitive prego nose, I am getting super frustrated with the constant smell of a poopy living room. Just before friends come over, I am overwhelmed by the fact that our house reeks to come to figure out that it is not my clothes that smell!!!!! (Did I mention that I was not sitting on that couch for a quite a while before I figured out that it was the culprit?)
So if you're a mom and can relate to all the imperfections that you wish you could take back (or not and just want a good laugh), check out MckMama's blog and all that everyone else had to say on Not Me Monday!


So Who Is The Crayon Wrangler? said...

OMGooglygoodness, all that stuff surely didn't happen to you. I am totally laughing and pointing at you!

Good luck surviving this motherhood vocation!

mumof2boys said...


I came across your blog from MckMamas blog. Didn't want to look without leaving a message.

Was quite funny to see you middle child keeps you on your toes. I only have two at the moment (3.5 and 22 months) but my youngest is exactly the same.
