Monday, November 23, 2009

Not me Monday!

Not Me Monday time! Check out MckMama's blog.

Somehow the worst of my "Not Me's" happen when I am alone with the kids. Maybe that's because there are 3 of them and only 1 of me!! Sunday I did not decide that taking the kids out to run errands as a way to get out of the house was a good idea. I did not then listen to Piper scream the whole way there to then not fall asleep less than 30 seconds from the store. She did not fuss the entire time at the store. I did not listen to Parker scream the minute I put him in the cart until I did not give him a bright red Cherry flavored Icee. An Icee that he did not drink most of in a matter of minutes and then proceed to take the straw out and did not flick all over himself and his brother who was not nicely sitting next to him being quiet. Oh and did I mention that he did not have a white shirt on? I did not then fight with him the rest of the time to keep the straw in and not drink it from the hole in the lid. I was not wishing I had not just created more laundry for me to do.

I did not then decide to head to a craft store, "J" to look for items to finish a Christmas card order. I did not not find what I was looking for in J and then go to the other craft store, "M" across the street. Again, I did not not end up with the things I did not drag the kids in there to find. As I am standing there looking on the shelves I did not feel a warm wet spot forming on my shirt under Parker's butt to then left him up and see that he had not peed all over me. I did not then put everything I had on the stroller on the shelf in front of me and walk out. I did not then listen to Peyton cry about not getting to go to McDonald's that I had not been using as bribery to cooperate at the stores with me to then just cave in and not go in with a soaking wet shirt and a 20 month old with soaking wet pants. Nope not me!! I did not put my vest on and try to cover it up, but then realize it was too ungodly hot to wear that and juggle all 3 kids in McDonalds by myself. I did not then leave it in the car and say to myself "Who cares? My shirt is wet, they can think what they want." Everyone does not always stare at me and make comments about how "full my hands are" anyway, when in reality they do not really want to say "You're crazy for having 3 kids that close in age! What were you thinking!" To which I don't want to scream and say "Mind your own business!!"

I did not then hang out for a while to let them play on the playground to then have to go and rescue the 20 month old from the very top! I did not then decide it was time to go and turn down the help that strangers were so kindly offering me.

I did not drive all the way home to then find out that Parker had not pooped in his diaper like he does not do EVERYTIME we are at a playground!

Thank goodness it was naptime when we got home!!!

Oh and I most definitely DID NOT wear the shirt that did not get soaked with pee the rest of the day because I forgot! Nope not me!!!!!!


Confessions From A Work-At-Home Mom said...

First, I LOVE all your kiddos names. "P" is a tough letter, and you have done it by combining traditional with modern!

I also use "errands" as code word for "outings". Hey, anything to get out of the house with the kids, right?


Kati said...

It does get easier with three close together. But I
admit I did giggle as I read this. Reminds me
so much of me three years ago!!