Wednesday, June 3, 2009


Today was my 39 week appt and the drs were discussing inducing me a little early to try to prevent me from having to have another LARGE baby, but no go. I was 2cm (progress since last weeks 1/2cm, but not enough to convince the dr today). I am scheduled to be induced on Wed the 10th (a day after my due date) unless something happens before then. It will snow in June if that actually happens! - if you know the stories of the birth of the boys you know that I just dilate and need to be induced to get my babies out!!

The news was bittersweet. I'm VERY uncomfortable with this being my 3rd pregnancy, 2nd in 1.5 yrs, and chasing a toddler around all day, but this being our last time we get a few more days to enjoy this part of our lives before its all over.

Thanks to everyone who has been praying for us, asking how the baby and I are doing - esp with my heart (which is doing well right now!!), and for just being excited to welcome another little one of our babies into this world!!

We will let you know when she gets here with LOTS of pictures....

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