Monday, May 18, 2009

Peyton & Mommy

Peyton: "Mommy, what is Dr. Phil?"
Mommy: "What do you mean?"
Peyton: "WHAT IS DR. PHIL?!?!?" - as if screaming it at me will help me understand what
he's asking.
Mommy: "Dr. Phil is a doctor."
Peyton : " No he's not... he doesn't dress in the clothes like a doctor."
Mommy: "He's a psychologist."
Peyton : "What's a psy-chol-ogist?"
Mommy: "A psychologist helps people with their problems"
Peyton: "What problems do they have?"
Mommy: (realizing this conversation is probably not going to end any time soon) "Their feelings
are hurt and they are asking for help." - we've been working on appropriate reactions
to things and not hurting people's feelings so I figured this would be a good answer.
Peyton: "Why are their feelings hurt?"
Mommy: (deciding I just need to end this b/c its much more advanced than a 4 yr old can grasp)
"I don't know Peyton, lets just talk about something else" :)

1 comment:

Kati said...

Hey didn't know if you saw... Piper's name made MckMama's top 20 name list!! ;-)