Friday, April 10, 2009

My little troublemakers

Ok so when my kids get into something I usually laugh and take pictures rather than rush to clean it up. You have to pick your battles right? Parker has been a pretty easy going baby as far as personality and just recently he has started to show signs of being much more like Peyton. The strong willed child is starting to appear as well as the classic toddler stages.

Despite Parker's normally happy personality, he has been REALLY fussy lately due to teething and has been very clingy to mommy. So when he got quiet the other day I knew something had to be up. Here's what I found. He's LOVES wipes and the wipe container.

So, as many of you moms know, finding 5 minutes to throw on some clothes and put your hair up to look somewhat presentable before going out, is next to impossible. But, sometimes you just have to do what you have to do. As I went upstairs I left the boys gated into the living room watching TV. Peyton yells up to me every couple of minutes, about anything and everything. Admittedly I tend to tune it out sometimes or tell him to wait or I would never be able to get dressed. This time Peyton was telling me that Parker did something; I figured it was just something that Peyton was being possessive about. So after Peyton not quitting on yelling up to me, I decide to come downstairs to see what all the fuss was about and this is what I came down to.

What is this you ask? The inside of a soaking wet diaper. Did I mention that I left Parker in just his diaper and had intentions of changing him as soon as I grabbed him some clothes on the way downstairs. If you aren't familiar with what's inside a diaper or have never had a diaper explode on you.... there are little gel things inside that absorb the pee and stick to EVERYTHING when the diaper breaks open. Parker decided to rip open the front of his diaper and the stuff went everywhere!!
As you can see, he's very proud of himself and no longer has a front of a diaper. There's a slit down the middle and nothing left inside.
So not only did I have to figure out how to clean this up (did I mention it sticks to EVERYTHING??), I had to figure out where to begin. The toys were everywhere and Parker is deathly afraid of the vacuum. I have to carry around a 25 lb child on my hip who has a death grip on me and vacuum at the same time, all while barely being able to breathe due to baby in my belly too!!

Here are some of the things Peyton got into when he was this age... Tissues everywhere.

Peyton emptied an entire box of baby crackers all over the floor. At least he decided to help clean them up - by eating them. :)

Peyton was obsessed with climbing onto our end table and play with the coasters.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Somehow this all makes me feel just a little bit better. :) The diaper though - oh MAN! That stuff does stick to everything - and it's full of pee. Yay! Well, maybe Piper will decide to give you a break. -CMF, whose Google password is apparently incorrect. ;)