Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Look what I can do!!

Time flies, as we all know, which is why it usually seems like our kids grow 2 inches overnight, start with a full conversation of vocabulary within days...But I have to say Paxton truly does things practically overnight. One day he can't hold his bottle and then the very next day he just grabbed on and ta da!! Its not like he started showing signs of being ready, started holding here and there. No, he just grabbed it one day and said "I'm ready Mom, let go!"
(and yes those crazy 'Where's Waldo' pants are his PJs, not his clothes) :)

The same goes for sitting. He didn't go from putting him on the floor in a sitting position and occassionally toppling over. No, he decided to do it himself....he went from rolling over, to army crawling (which also happened overnight), to sitting up by himself.

 YAY!! I can sit!

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