Thursday, March 3, 2011


Why is it that time seems to go faster and faster with every passing day?! I cannot believe that Paxton is 7 months old already. It feels like just recently we were processing the news that our family was growing even bigger yet and here we are only 5 months away from our baby no longer being a "baby". Even though I thought we were done after having Piper, really KNOWING that Paxton is our last changes my outlook on watching him go through all the baby stages. Parker was still so much of a baby himself when Piper was born, being only 14.5 months old and I guess I got so wrapped up in trying to keep my head above water that I didn't sit and think "wow, this is really our last baby, no more of this stage or that stage", but its all too real this time and I'm not sure I'm liking it. :) Don't worry Mom and Dad, no more babies for us, just a little sad that the baby coos and smiles will all be over before I know it.

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