Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Happy Halloween

Halloween 2010 was fun, crazy, and exhausting for everyone! We trick or treated 3 nights in a row (at church's Trunk or Treat, with various family members, and then our neighborhood). The boys have been OBSESSED with Toy Story this past year so when they were excited to go as Buzz and Woody, I thought it would be fun to dress Piper and Pax as Jessie and Bullseye (slightly different than the movie version, but it works - Thanks Em for lending us the costumes!) Peyton was SO exicted and wanted to sprint from house to house, Parker ate candy nonstop, Piper went along for the ride, and Pax slept the whole time.

It was a constant battle with Sissy to get her to wear the hat.

"To Infinity and Beyond" - Buzz Lightyear
"I'm the best Sheriff in town" - Woody

"Yoodleeheeho" - Jessie (sporting a pink bucket) :)

Our bullseye with his Halloween binky (that he loves so he will use it long after Halloween) :)

A very happy Bullseye


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